Tuesday, August 13, 2013

This is where the fun begins... stay tuned! WOO HOOOOO!

Well... she did it, dear SISer Amanda got this set up for me... and now... I get to figure out how to do it!  I've never been much of a pink person, but... hey, I'm new at this!  At least you can read it... someday I'll figure out how to make it all fancy... maybe... maybe not!  I promise... nope...I should never promise anything... I don't always deliver... heart's in the right place, but the brain... goes where it wants... So... the plan, the hope, the dream... is that I will actually post Stampin' Up! projects here... and have a calendar with actual stuff on it, and maybe even videos...  and of course... you'll have to put up with an occasional grandkid pic... lol
Come back... if nothing else... you will probably get your chuckle for the day!
...except if it was going to be a daily chuckle, I'd have to post daily... don't see that happening...I'm lucky to get the hair combed some days... hey maybe you're like me, and by tomorrow, you will have forgotten you read this... and you'll laugh again anyway!
I'm especially fond of      "   "      and        ...       I hope you can deal with that...
I don't really care if I've spelled everything right...
I don't really care if the grammar is perfect...
I only care about THE FUN STUFF... AND THE PAPERCRAFTS...  so if you can deal with all that... we are going to get along just fine!
WOO HOO! (you'll see lots of that too!) 

of course... if you know me... this may be the only post that ever shows up here... HAH! 
Adult Attention Deficit Disorder... actually diagnosed by a doctor.. apparently I'm "textbook" lol...
I start lots and lots of projects...
continue very few of them...
finish... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I'm sure I've finished SOMETHING... just let me dig through the piles of stuff down here...

if you read all this, post a comment... I've heard something about "blog candy" - so when I figure out how that works... I will pick a name from the comments and you'll win something... don't know what... but free is always good! ... provided I follow up and actually mail the prize... and provided I know how to find you after you post the comment, as I don't really even know how the comment thing works...
oh yeah... this is gonna be FUN!   Long dissertation...and NO STAMPING PROJECT YET! hah!  Don't worry... there will be projects.... XO


  1. This looks great, (and very official)! Diggin' the cat!

  2. WOOHOO Glenda. I can't wait to see what you are up to.
    Nice blog and I love your projects.

  3. You have me laughing. I look forward to seeing your SU projects.
